Searching for the right Chicago venture capital companies is challenging work. After all, you want a partner who’s in it for the long term, one that supports you with the right advice and guidance. But whom can you trust?

We’re glad you’ve arrived at Author Capital Partners. We believe all entrepreneurial and founder-led businesses should have access to objective advice and appropriately tailored capital.

We’ve been in the business long enough and understand that businesses and visionary leaders form partnerships with investment firms that don’t fulfill their objectives. The problem is that these investment firms don’t take the time to completely understand the unique objectives of each client. Instead, they provide a one-size fits all solution. But we’re different.

chicago venture capital companies
chicago vc firms

At Author Capital, we believe in earning your trust, redefining what long-term partnership truly means, and enabling our clients to maximize their potential. That’s because we put people first. We specialize in working with founders and business owners who want to stay involved.

However, they may lack the knowledge and experience necessary to scale their businesses. That’s where we come in. We provide our clients with a like-minded, experienced capital partner who helps our clients move on to the next level of success. We keep their interests and objectives in mind, offering bespoke capital and strategic advice so that we can succeed together.

Working with our clients is the essential difference between us and other capital investing companies.

What We Offer – Our Core Values

We bring our core values into each client partnership. Our core values include the following:


We seek to deliver our very best to the companies we partner with and our investors, without exception

We are dedicated to professional excellence in service and execution. With our approach, we offer bespoke solutions to each client. And our team wants to identify and tailor creative solutions for the desired long-term outcome.


We do what is right to earn the
trust and respect of those with
whom we partner

Our reputation is the most valuable asset we own. We understand it takes focused effort to develop relationships and build trust with each client and portfolio company. And maintaining that trust requires the highest leve of ethics and integrity.


We openly and honestly share our thoughts, beliefs, and motives to maintain trust

We openly communicate with our clients, partners, and investors in a transparent manner. We are dedicated to always offering our best advice, even if that means expressing an unpopular view.


We believe that embracing diversity often generates better ideas, leading to better outcomes

We understand that mitigating risk and identifying opportunities is a complex process that requires diverse perspectives. And we are fully committed to maintaining an inclusive culture internally and externally through our partner, client, and investor base.

It’s our core values and exceptional advice that make us an advisor and capital partner of choice to underrepresented owners. We are a minority-owned and -led private equity firm and have a complete understanding of the opportunities and challenges faced by high-potential women and people of color. We strive to be the advisor and capital partner of choice to underrepresented owners.

Our core values make us different from other Chicago vc firms. We create customized solutions for each of our clients based on their dreams and long-term requirements.

Chicago Venture Capital Companies Approach

As a Chicago venture capital company, we take a long-term approach with our clients. We’re in it for the long haul. We understand the difficulties and challenges faced by founders and business-owning families. That’s why we offer differentiated capital and strategic partnership that allows them to pursue sustainable value creation.

Our long-term, minority, and majority investment capital is tailored to meet each business owner’s goals. We also offer financial and strategic advice to owners as they consider taking on investment capital. Owners can benefit from our expertise and extensive network in advance of a specific capital need.

In addition, our team works together from its collective experience and knowledge that draws from our combined experience as business owners and operators of small companies. We bring all of this expertise and experience together to support our clients in reaching their full potential.

And we always work with our clients guided by excellence, integrity, transparency, and inclusion.

chicago venture capital companies
venture capital companies chicago

We’re a Step Above Other Chicago VC Firms

We’re excited when working with a client, and by the work we do. Through our team’s collective experience and knowledge, we work to create the right solutions for each client. We bring all of our skills to bear on each client to find the bespoke solution that’s best for them.

And when it comes to connections, we focus on the long term. We work with each client to establish their needs and goals. Then we work to bring customized solutions together and meet the client’s investment requirements.

This is something not often seen in other Chicago venture capital companies. We’re unique in our tailored solutions, client care, and support. We redefine long-term partnerships.

Investment Focus

Equity Investment: $5M to $30M+
EBITDA: $2M to $20M

North America
Based Businesses

Resilient Businesses with
Sustainable Competitive Advantages

Highly Entrepreneurial Family-
and Founder-led Businesses

Businesses With Long-Term
Growth Prospects

Management Teams Seeking
Long-Term Partnership

Advisory Services

Long-term Strategic
& Financial Planning

M&A Advice &

ESG Policy Assessment &
Other Governance Matters

Capital Structure

Capital Allocation & Dividend
Policy Review

Ownership Transition &
Succession Planning

Sales &

Tech-Enablement &

MBE Considerations &

A trusted long-term partner

If you’re searching for Chicago vs firms that promise to be there when you need them, look no further. At Author Capital Partners, we’re not like the other Chicago venture capital firms.

The difference is that we provide long-duration, minority, or majority investment capital, tailored to meet your objectives. We offer financial and strategic advice to clients considering taking on investment capital, allowing them to benefit from our combined expertise and knowledge.

If you’d like to learn more about our services, reach out and contact us today. Let us know how we can help you reach your business goals and grow into the future. We’re here for you.